Our lives have changed beyond recognition since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Distancing has become an integral part of our daily lives. We cannot leave the house, go to the store without wearing a mask. If any of us had heard of such a reality a few years ago, no one would have believed it. Unfortunately, this is our reality, and our fight against the virus is based on compliance with restrictions and responsibility for ourselves and others. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the safest distance is 2 meters to prevent the virus from spreading faster.
The labels and symbols we see on them are the perfect way to remind people to keep a distance or to have their hands hand sanitized. Labels with relevant symbols and information provide clear and clear information in places such as shops, factories, or offices. No matter where you are, it is important that you provide information that is understandable to everyone, thanks to which you contribute to the fight against the virus and ensure security for employees or customers.
What can help? Properly prepared labels that can be placed where you need them. Labels not only sell, but they also have warning and information functions.
NOTE: Always make sure you are following the government’s guidelines for your industry. Up-to-date information is available here: https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus or https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/informacje-dla-przedsiebiorcow
Starting with labels stuck to the floor, reminding you of 2 meters distance, and ending with warning arrows. There are many solutions, and we will be happy to help you choose the best one, tailored to your needs.
Where to put such labels? It is best in places where there are many people, eg kitchen, reception, toilets or corridors near the exit, etc. Of course, you can place them anywhere, but there is a risk that the message will not be noticed or, worst of all, missed, due to the overwhelming information around. It would be a good idea to change the colors so that other people are always alert and attentive to safety messages during such a difficult time for all of us.
Warning labels for factories
Factories differ from each other in the way they organize work and the rules that prevail there. In a pandemic, it might be a good idea to have one place where all employees hand over items to avoid direct contact with others, e.g. one person brings the tool to the area and then leaves again before the other person picks it up – this way courier companies operate. Such a place can be labeled with appropriate labels so that everyone knows where it is located. We all know how important disinfection is, such a stand can also be labeled with an appropriate label that reminds you of the obligation to disinfect your hands before entering production.
Warning labels for shops
A solution for store owners may be labeled which, stuck at the main entrance and exit, at the checkout, will remind, for example, of the maximum number of people in the store, obligatory hand disinfection, keeping a safe distance, putting on a mask. Thanks to the proper placement of such labels, we reduce the likelihood of contamination risk and protect personnel who come into contact with many people daily. The safety of customers is of course also an important aspect. Labels placed appropriately throughout the store will make your customers feel safe. A noteworthy solution is labeled on which we will show the way to basic products, which will significantly speed up shopping.
We are all going through this difficult time together. We understand the importance of fast service and professional advice. You can count on us. We are always at your disposal.